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My Only Wish Page 2

  An image of those legs slowly wrapping around him, his hands on her waist, while she moaned in his ear, had him adjusting in his chair. He was a man after all. A full blooded male who was looking at one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen. And he wanted more. Need to know more about her.

  Without thinking, he picked up the phone and dialed.


  “Chris, it’s me. I have a job for you.”

  “Sure thing, boss. What is it?”

  He looked back to the picture. “I need you to do leg work on someone for me. I need to find out where would be an ideal location to stage a chance meeting this week.”

  “Subject’s name?”

  “Abby, or Abigail, Carter. She lives in the area. Shouldn’t be too hard to locate.”

  “I’m on it. Give me 24 hours and I’ll get back to you.”

  He heard the click in his ear before he returned the phone to its base. He didn’t regret his impulsiveness. He had learned long ago to accept whatever he did, because if he questioned his instincts, he could be dead.

  His path was already set. He would meet Abby Carter before the week’s end.

  Chapter 3

  The thrum of bass vibrated the floor as she walked into the dimly-lit club. Nightline wasn’t large by club standards, but it did enough business that there was never a dull moment.

  Originally a line-dancing venue, Nightline had expanded to include salsa, hip hop, and swing dancing. With the range of music offerings, the club guaranteed to have a variety of people attending as well.

  Ashley looked over her shoulder. “You ready?”

  “Absolutely.” Abby sounded confident, but inside she wasn’t so sure.

  Pulling away from the group ahead, Ashley fell back into step with Abby and put her arm around her. “It’s going to be all right. If you aren’t enjoying yourself after an hour we’ll call it an early night.”

  “Thanks.” Abby laughed but was partially relieved. Agreeing to ride in Ashley’s car, she didn’t know how long she would be forced to stay. “But I do have high hopes for tonight.”

  “I should hope so.” Ashley glanced around the room. “It’s not packed yet, but there are still a number of guys here that should do for our little experiment.”

  “I would hardly call it an experiment.” Abby laughed as they wove through the throng of people and found a raised table to the side of the floor for their group.

  “I would. Seeing if you can find a guy tonight to take your mind off of anything serious? Sounds like an experiment to me.”

  Abby rolled her eyes but remained silent. It did sound like an experiment. And yet it sounded fun. Why shouldn’t she just relax and meet someone that would provide a moment of entertainment?

  “All right. I leave it in your capable hands of steering me toward the ‘right’ guys.”

  “Oh, no, no, honey.” Ashley shook her head slowly. “They will come to us. Just wait.” Flashing a smile to a waitress, she flagged her down. “Hey, Christina. I’m glad you’re working tonight.”

  “Always.” The busty redhead chuckled. “What can I get you?”

  “The usual, but add in an extra order of mozzarella sticks.”

  “Got it. Anything to drink?” she asked, looking at Abby.

  “Pina Colada. Virgin.” She slanted a glance at Ashley. “I think I’ll start slow tonight.”

  “Good idea. I’ll have the same,” she said to the waitress.

  “All right then. I’ll send them out when ready. By the way, there’s a new group here tonight over by the pool tables.” She winked. “Have fun tonight.”

  Ashley laughed. “Thanks for the tip.”

  “What did she mean by that?” Abby glanced toward the pool tables partially hidden by the bar but couldn’t see anyone over the crowded floor.

  “A new group of guys. And if she bothered to mention it, they must be something to look at.” A gleam entered her eyes. “I wonder if they’ll be glued to the table all night or if they’ll venture over to the floor.”

  Abby shrugged, not really caring one way or another. Glancing over the floor, there were many interesting prospects. Fortunately, the floor was better lit than the rest of the club. Thanks to the whimsical ceiling fixture, a disco ball hanging from a saddle, enough light bounced around the room to illuminate most faces.

  “Anyone caught your eye yet?” Ashley shrugged off her coat and draped it across her chair.

  “Not one in particular.”

  “That’s all right. We’ll just keep an eye out for someone special.”

  “You know, Ashley, you don’t have to do all this.”

  “I know. But I’m here every weekend and taking time to focus on you brings a little spice to my life.” She nodded to her left. “Ah, here they come now. They’re always timid at first, but once they realize that we are here to dance and not just look pretty, they flood the table.”

  The group of guys that approached seemed guarded as they reached the table teeming with girls. But after a few receptive smiles were thrown their way, they relaxed, guiding a huge chunk of Ashley’s friends to bump and grind.

  “Would you like to dance?” a guy around her age with sandy blond hair and kind green eyes asked with a hopeful grin.

  “Yeah, I’d like that.” Abby flashed him a smile and felt her dimple wink. The guy looked momentarily dazed but recovered quickly, taking her hand and pulling her to the floor.

  It had been almost ten years since she was in high school, but she didn’t find club dancing to differ much from what they were doing back then.

  “I’m Brian, by the way.”

  “Abby.” He gripped her hips suggestively, but kept a respectful distance from her, only bringing her close for the occasional brush.

  After a minute, Abby began to feel herself relax, moving in rhythm with the music. Closing her eyes, she lifted her face to the ceiling and smiled, wondering why she didn’t do this more often.

  The breath left her lungs as she was led into a quick, surprising twirl. Brought closer to his body, Brian must have sensed he caught her off-guard. “Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Patting his shoulder reassuringly, she said, “Let’s try that again.” And she laughed when he did.

  The next hour was a blur, twirling from partner to partner in dances so different they sometimes blended.

  “I need a break,” Abby said jokingly, throwing up her hands as if for peace. The guy that had asked her chuckled and just said, “Later then.”

  She nodded with a laugh and headed back to their table before collapsing in a heap in the far chair.

  “Well, look at you, dancing every dance.” Ashley sat beside her, looking a little mussed but no worse for wear after the hour.

  “How can you look so put together still?”

  “I took a break about twenty minutes ago and fixed my hair.” She scooted a little closer so she wouldn’t have to yell over the music. “Anyone with potential?” Her eyebrows wiggled.

  Abby thought it over for a minute. “They all seemed pretty nice. And most were good looking.”

  “But no one that has really piqued your interest in that area,” Ashley said, finishing for her.


  “The night is young still. And more guys are arriving now that it’s later.”

  Abby nodded. Not too worried about it. She wasn’t desperate to find someone tonight even if she thought it could be fun. She wouldn’t force it. “So, speaking of someone special, what about you? Anyone caught your eye? Perhaps from the pool table?”

  Both Abby and Ashley looked toward the group gathered there. “I walked past them when I went to the bathroom but there wasn’t anything special.”

  At her words, there was a gap in the crowd and it parted enough to see over there. A jolt shook her as she locked eyes with a guy leaning over the table, lining up for a shot. Even from the distance she could tell his eyes were a flash of blue fire. There was no other word to descri
be the flair of appreciation and desire that she saw in his eyes.

  Smoothly, without taking his eyes from her, he pushed the cue through his waiting fingers, sinking the solid he was lined up for.

  Her breath began to come out in pants as she stared at the chestnut-haired man.

  Muscles flexing, he broke eye contact with her and made quick work of the rest of the table.

  Feeling light-headed, Abby took a deep breath and released the air slowly.

  With a knowing smile, Ashley turned to her. “I take it there something over there that caught your interest?”

  “Oh yeah.” She took a bracing sip of her drink to bring her body back under control. Her insides felt like they were doing the same two-step dance that was currently being performed on the dance floor. “Do you know him?”

  “Nope. He must be one of the new guys.”

  “What do you think?”

  “About him in general or about you taking him on?”


  Ashley looked back at the table. “Well, he is hot for sure. But he is also overly confident, cocky. He seems the aggressor type, which can be sexy as hell if you’re into him or annoying if you want to ditch him. Now about taking him on,” she turned to eye Abby. “He’ll be a handful. He looks like he’ll give you one wild ride, but he could also break your heart if you let him.”

  “I don’t think I need to worry about that. As you said, this place is for meeting someone short term.”

  “Yeah well…” Ashley trailed off before her eyes widened. “He’s headed this way.”

  “Now?” The fluttering in Abby’s stomach picked up.

  His scent hit her first before even a word was spoken. Spice, soap, male. They mixed in the air and she felt a bit drunk after her first breath.

  “Dance with me?” His rich, deep voice caused her pulse to race, her nerves to jump.

  Words wouldn’t form. She could only feel. Placing her hand in his, she relished the rough pads of his palm, and shivered when his other hand moved to her lower back to guide her through the crowded floor.

  A new song came on, replacing hip-hop with a slow, bluesy throb. The sax wailed through the speakers, whispering of hot, long nights.

  There was no hesitation as they came together. Both moved in a way that seemed choreographed.

  Her hands crept up his chest, his muscles tensing at her touch. When she slid her arms around his neck, he drew her closer, his arms wrapped snug around her waist.

  The first touch of their bodies was electric. A shock coursed through her, stealing a gasp.

  She heard a soft curse escape his lips before he pulled her into him, fitting her curves against the hard planes of his body.

  They moved as one. Swaying, pulsing, dipping with the notes of the song until she was lost in him. The other dancers faded from her vision as she focused solely on the man who was holding her. He led her with confidence and a strength that was also gentle, pushing and pulling her against him in a way that was more erotic than anything she had experienced before.

  The thrum that had started in her blood was now at full boil as his body teased hers. His hard frame surrounded her, his scent was locked inside her. And all she could think was that she wanted more. More of him in every way.

  The music ended, switching to a quick paced meringue, and she felt him hesitate before pulling away from her. She swayed, her body thrust into shock at the loss of his presence.

  Looking up into his eyes, she felt pulled under his spell. He was searching her face, trying to read something. If she could speak she would have told him anything he wanted to know.

  “Have a drink with me.”

  His words, smooth as brandy, slid over her, coaxing a shiver. “All right.”

  He led her through the crowd again, his hand at her back in a protective gesture that warmed her. Moving around to the bar, he called out to the bartender. “A Kells and…” he looked to her for an answer.


  He nodded. “Make that two. And have them brought out to the patio,” he called out before slipping a twenty in the tip bowl.

  “Shall we?” He tossed her a grin, flashing startling white teeth. “I thought it might be cooler outside.”

  Spying an empty table on the fringe of the patio, he smoothly offered her a seat before taking the one across from her. He had been right. With all the dancing inside, the establishment’s air conditioning was having a hard time combating the heat. Her flushed skin felt chilled, but it was comfortable.

  Before one of them was able to speak, Christina delivered their two drinks with a wink in Abby’s direction before leaving.

  “So, do you come here often?” The words were out of Abby’s mouth before she realized it was a pick up line. Color flooded her cheeks. She was still flustered from their earlier dance.

  He tasted his beer, a smile lingered on his lips, before answering. “First time actually. You?”

  “I’ve come once or twice over the years. But my friend, Ashley, is a regular.”

  “I can see the appeal.” He looked through the windows to the crowded floor. “The music is loud, the place is clean, and the drinks are cold.”

  “I see you set the bar high.”

  “Absolutely.” He grinned before taking another sip.

  “I’m Abby.”


  Not knowing what else to say, she brought the drink to her mouth, her tongue darting out to get the last drop off of her lip.

  The bottle paused half-way to his lips as he watched her.

  Her pulse picked up a notch at the predatory look. “I’m not sure what to say when you look at me like that,” she finally said.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re a starving lion and I’m a big, juicy steak.”

  His belly laugh startled her. “A starving lion?”

  Her lips pursed in amusement. “It seemed fitting at the time.”

  “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  “Not really.” She eyed him slowly. “I’m just not sure how to handle you.”

  “Honey, you can handle me anyway you want.”

  Her cheeks flooded again by his double meaning, and she hastily took another sip to cover her reaction.

  Chapter 4

  Dylan leaned back into his chair, amused and a little shocked by her blush. It had been a long time since he had seen a woman color as prettily as Abby was now. And even more astonishing, it was genuine.

  “It’s a good look for you.”

  “What is?”

  “The blush. It makes your skin look like cream.” He smothered a smile behind his bottle as her color increased again. He didn’t know why, but he enjoyed her discomfort. He wanted to know what else would make her blush, what else would cause that dreamy look to enter her eyes as it had on the floor, what would spark the glint of laughter he had seen in her eyes earlier that night. He wanted to know her.

  It was a thought that should have scared him, but it didn’t. He was intrigued, and there was nothing wrong with it. While he hadn’t felt this much interest in a woman in years, he attributed it to his attraction to her.

  “You like embarrassing me, don’t you?” she narrowed her eyes playfully.

  “You caught me.” And he liked it. He liked it even more that she called him on it. Leaning back in his chair, he took his drink again. “Tell me about yourself.”

  “I hate questions like those. They’re so vague.” Her nose wrinkled. “Am I supposed to supply you with my basic history, a few tidbits to make it interesting, or in return, ask about you?”

  He agreed with her. It was the type of open-ended question that he would have asked as a PI to get his subject to open up to him, to give him details that he normally wouldn’t have asked about. And most important, her response would tell him even more about herself than the information she conveyed. “Why don’t we start with the basic get-to-know-you questions? What do you do for work? What do you like to do when you aren’t working? I
f it was the end of the world, would you rather have a toothbrush or toilet paper?”

  Her hand quickly covered her mouth, shielding him from the drink that was threatening to spew. “What?”

  “I thought it was important.”

  “Very amusing.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m working as a nanny for twins. A girl and a boy. They’re seven now.” She sighed. “I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by.”

  “How long have you been with them?”

  “Since they were two.” A glimmer of mischief entered her dreamy eyes. “They were such hellions at that age. Their previous nanny had spoiled them rotten.”

  “And you don’t?”

  “No way. You have to let children know who’s boss from day one. Or else they will know they can terrorize you into giving them whatever they want. Besides, kids need boundaries.”

  He laughed at the image, but he could relate. Her description of raising children wasn’t far from his opinion on jobs. With any person in his field, the employees, the PIs, snitches, or clients, you needed to have a firm but soft touch. “What made you want to get into childcare?”

  “I don’t know exactly. I’ve always been good with kids and I feel comfortable around them. They may be naughty at times but they are never truly bad at heart. They don’t intentionally set out to hurt you, and often, what you see is what you get. I like that openness.” She shook her head. “Now enough about me. What about you? What do you do?”

  “I’m a private investigator.” It was true. He was still licensed as one even though he hardly ever took any clients these days. And the fact that he owned the company didn’t feel like a lie of omission.

  Besides, while she didn’t seem the type, he couldn’t bear to see the dollar signs that so often crept into a woman’s eyes when he told them he owned the company.

  “Interesting. So are you investigating me?” His mouth fell open and she laughed, clearly delighted with herself. “I’m only kidding.”

  His chuckle was a bit strained before he took another draw from his beer. Lies came easily to him, but it felt wrong to lie to her. It was something he hoped to never have to do.